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Android Windows7.apk

by Unknown , at 4:29 PM , have 0 comments
Android Windows7.apk

You can now make your Android mobile device work like a desktop computer !

Windows 7 for Android v1.0play.google.com.desktopcomputer
It's finally here! Windows 7 for Android! You can now emulate a desktop pc on your Android device.
Please Note: If you have a Motorola Phone with Motoblur please download "Moto Home Fix" by Nightshade Labs to choose the home application.

This home application can replace the default home application (if desired) and allows you to access anything on your phone through Windows 7 for Android. No other application required! This is unlike most home or theme applications that require Launcher Pro or similar apps. This means more memory for you and a quicker interface.
This application includes many great features; task bar, start menu, widgets page, and of course the desktop. It will function just like a windows computer would function. The task bar includes the main features of your device; the start button, the browser, messaging, dialer, and the launcher.
The launcher gives you a list of all installed applications and allows you to pick one to run. The start menu allows you to get quick access to other main applications and settings. Windows 7 for Android also includes a great widgets feature. There is an entire window dedicated to widgets. You are no longer limited to the amount of widgets you can have and now you can get even quicker access to your notifications.

Required Android O/S : 2.0.1+

Screenshots :

Download : 1.4Mb APK

Android Windows7.apk
Android Windows7.apk - written by Unknown , published at 4:29 PM, categorized as Software . And have 0 comments
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